!! NOTICE !!

Update: 3/26/2025: All ip4/ip6 address reporting domains have been purchased.
The new owner indicates they are working to move these websites to their server this week.
Shutdown of Kevins server is planned for 4/2/2025 or shortly after.

Notice: The owner of ip4.me/ip6.me, Kevin Loch, passed away.
The Kevin M Loch Estate will be shutting down Kevin's websites in the near future (4/1/2025).
Inquiries for purchasing Kevin's domains may be sent to ipadmin@dulles-ix.net.

Click this link to continue to your ip4/ip6 address reporting Website

List of Websites impacted: ip4.me, ip4only.me
ip6addr.com, ip6addr.net, ip6addr.org
ip6.me, ip6only.me
ipv6addr.com, ipv6addr.net, ipv6addr.org
onlyip4.me, onlyip6.me
whatismyipv6address.com, whatismyipv6address.net, whatismyipv6address.org
whatismyv6.com, whatismyv6.net, whatismyv6.org